Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Hermit

Hi all again!

Today I'm finishing up a new song that I wrote, I'd simply called it "The Hermit", I'm working in lyrics right now, and I have to marry the words with the music, because this song, was inspired on a concept first rather than making the music, still...I knew the direction I wanted for this song though. Talking a little bit more of it, muse came fast on this one, picked up my guitar, I was alone in my room, and began with a few chords, this song is special to me in a way, it talks about me, I mean, the lyrics portrait something about ME in some way, I'm experiment using a Capo, I used it in the 3rd fret, and it was pretty cool!!

The song is in Gm, (because of the capo) but I wasn't focusing in keys at that moment, just in chords and rhythm, the song came out in 6/8 feel, (I'm using it a lot in my songs now) is a great feel for songwriting and rhythm, rather that the fancy 4/4, the song is melancholy in some way, I'm still humming some melodies, its ending up like a Cerati meets Steven Wilson type of melody, but, the 6/8 feel give it a more of like, let's say...dramatic touch I think... Musically the song came out to be very unique in terms of harmony, I experimented a lot in some bridges, using minor chord substitutions, (sounding very Mikael Akerfeldt) I recorded the whole idea, intro, verses, chorus, bridges, outro, all in a straight line, now, I'm working on arrangements and structures, and I am very undecided in all this things! specially the arrangement!, well...but this is the fun part right?

I will try to buy some equipment for Christmas to see if I can record songs and stuff, so you will be able to hear it as I post some update, I will work that out, so don't worry! I will post the final cut of lyrics later on, and maybe give it the meaning if it if its not coming too metaphorical (which I don't think so), right now, I'm going for a very direct, lush and simple lyrics...but, who knows...

I will say goodbye for now...

More updates later!

Stay tuned!

Iros RR

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