Siempre me a interesado experimentar con tunings pero es dificil ya que tienes siempre que estar cambiando y esto con pocas guitarras llega a ser un problema, con la musica y las canciones de Skies Of Mars, he querido experimentar con tunings diferentes, ya que Titan Atlas siempre se quedó en Standard Tuning.
Basicamente hasta ahora he experimentado con tunings como Low D (DADGBE) y Low C (CGCFAD), y claro el Standard Tuning para esas canciones acousticas, hasta ahora no a sido de tanto problema y es muy malo estar experimentando con muchos tunings ya que es un problema a la hora de solos, acordes etc. si es por tipos de afinaciones hay MUCHAS y RARaS!
Pero, tengo pensado escribir una pieza llamada "Euterpe" donde tiene una nuevo tunning el cual quiero explotar el cual el empleado por Robert Fripp:
"The lowest four strings are tuned just like a cello, i.e. in fifths from a low C. The second string is another fifth up from the A to an E, and the first string is a minor third up from the E to a G. Since the lowest five strings are tuned in fifths, typical fingerings for chords and scales used on the violin, cello, and mandolin are applicable here. The minor third between the top strings allow denser chords in the high range of the scale, and easier access to some elementary chord tones (typically the thirteenth for chords with the root note on the sixth string, and the ninth and flat ninth for chords with the root note on the fifth string, see chord). NST has a greater range than the Old Standard Tuning, approximately a perfect fifth greater (a major third lower and a minor third higher).
Scales across two strings in NST also line up nicely into coherent tetrachords or four-note patterns that have a visually rational relationship (whole and half-tone relationships have a remarkable symmetry that can be easier to learn than the OST whose intervals from 6 to 1 have the (inconsistent) major third thrown in the middle of the scale.
This fifths-based tuning does present a downside, however: wider harmonic intervals between consecutive strings make certain closely-voiced jazz chords impractical requiring an interpretive voicing on the part of the guitarist.
String swapping may also be advisable: the low C may be loose unless the gauge is increased and the high G may require something rather gossamer, thus many Guitar Craft participants use an .011-.058 set for acoustic."
Creo que sera algo muy muy interesante que experimentar y that's whats this band is about, enervation and experimentation!!
Iros RR
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